Selasa, 04 April 2017

A lesson of Islam and democracy from Indonesia (A study of sociology, history, law, and politics)

A lesson of Islam and democracy from Indonesia
(A study of sociology, history, law, and politics)

Based on a survey of the Lembaga Survei Indonesia which was released in 2006[1], titled Prospect Islam Politik, it can show us clearly to the beginning of a clear big picture of Islam and Democracy in Indonesia. It showed us that from 82% of 1092 Muslims in Indonesia said they claimed democracy was the best political system for Indonesia. How could Indonesian Muslim declare a firm statement like that?

Indonesia with 209,120,000 million[2] Muslims population makes Indonesia to be the largest Muslim population in the world as 88%[3] of the entire Indonesia population declare them self as Muslim. Beside that, Indonesia is the fourth country with the highest population[4] and the third largest democracy in the world[5]. And not just because of population, Indonesia establish their strong economic growth in 6% average in last 10 years[6] while International economic having a deceleration. It’s undoubted that Indonesia has a significant role in the world and the world of Islam. What Indonesia can and choose to do seems make a big impact to the International policy. It doesn’t sound too much to said that Indonesia national policy has become international.

Indonesian Muslim, a study of harmonized
Islam in Indonesia is a very unique one. It has a different characteristic between Islam in Middle East, South East Asia, or even Africa. Introduced by Indonesia’s largest Islamic organization, Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and later be supported by the Government, Islam in Indonesia defines them self as an Islam Nusantara which is a tolerant form of Islam that upholds values of peace, modesty and cultural respect.[7] Even though it still has criticism space because of the political prejudice and not blindly accepted by all the Indonesian Islam Organization, Islam in Indonesia has given a step up away of thinking for Islam in the World.

Indonesia has 1331 tribes[8] which spread in 17.504 Island[9] makes a big impact for Indonesia of its diversity as well as Islam in Indonesia. Even though Sunni has a majority, but Ahmadiyya Lahore al-Qiyadah al-Islamiya, Darul Arqam, Jamaah Salamulla (Salamulla Congregation), members of the Indonesian Islamic Propagation Institute[10], Naqshbandiy ya Khalidiyya[11], and even Shia[12] have their generations have been staying in Indonesia. Pluralism or Indonesian People called it keBhinekaan[13] is all on the root of the people of Indonesia, even though Indonesian Government’s strongly expected to protect it from intolerant group of people.

Democracy an outstanding achievements of Indonesia
It said in UU No 7 Tahun 1953[14] which was a legal standing of the Indonesian first election in 1995 after its Independence day in 1945, there’s none of its articles indicated the discrimination or restriction for particular sex, religion, race, or class of people to choose. We can compare this with the United States as a democracy vanguard. Even though US has very old history of their democracy after its Independence in 1776, it seems like that the equality before the law had had through a strong struggle. The abolition of the discrimination of race, color, or previous condition of servitude to choose had its validation in 1870[15] in Amendment XV (need 94 years) and for the political right for women (144 years) ratified in amendment XIX in 1920[16]. Indonesia also already had a women president[17] which is very good precedent for Muslim and democracy in Indonesia. If you compare this with Saudi Arabia which just have a political right for women in 2015[18], it doesn’t sound exaggerate to say that Indonesia has a astonishing achievements, although it had to through some polemic.[19]

The truly face of Islam
Indonesia can show to the world what the face of Islam is. It’s like the only South Asian member of Muslim council of elders, Quraish Shihab[20] said the that truly face of Islam is the face of Muslim in Indonesia who tolerant[21]. As Indonesia, the world is plural too. There’s a lot of religion, ideology, race, etc. We can’t judge one is better than the other, all we can do is respect, even for the most radical or liberal one, because they have the right to live. If the paradigm is not true, we don’t need to forbid people to have a thought. Because if some paradigm isn’t right, people will reject it. That’s way education is very important. We knowledge can improve human life, but we still need religion to improve our humanity for the universe. That’s Islam as rahatan lil alamin and Indonesia has the obligation to promote this to the world

[1] Lembaga Survei Indonesia, Prospek Islam Politik, Jakarta, Oktober 2007,  page 11. Download from , 9/06/2016, 10.57 AM.
[2] Maps Of World, Top Ten Countries with Largest Muslim Population. Accessed from ,   10/06/2016, 9.52 AM
[3] Ibid
[4] World Meters, Countries in the world by population (2016). Accessed from , 10/06/2016, 10.11 AM
[5] The United States-Indonesia Society, About Indonesia. Accessed from , 10/06/2016, 10.16 Am
[6] Ekonomi RI Peringkat Tiga Besar di G20. Accessed from , 10/06/2016, 10.45 AM
[7] The Jakarta Post, Moderate Muslims interested in Islam Nusantara.  Accessed from ,   10/06/2016 11.03 AM
[8]  Accessed from,    9/06/2016   19.06 AM
[9]  Accessed from ,   27/05/2016   12.18 AM
[10] International Religious Freedom Report 2008. Accessed from ,   30/05/2016   13.56 AM
[11] Luis Lugo et all, The World’s Muslims: Unity and Diversity, Pew Research Center, The Pew Forum On Religion & Public Life, 5 August 2012,  page 129.  download from  , 29/05/2016, 9.15 AM.
[12] The Jakarta Post, Endless Sunni-Shia sectarianism in Indonesia.  Accessed from  ,   10/06/2016   11.59 AM
[13] UUD NRI 1945 pasal 36 A. Bhineka Tunggal Ika was taken from Kakawin Sutasoma written by Mpu Tantular, during the Majapahit reign in the 14th century. Bhineka Tunggal Ika is translated as “Unity in Diversity”
[14] Undang-Undang 7 tahun 1953 Tentang Pemilihan Anggota Konstituante dan Anggota Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat, Jakarta, h. 1.  download from ,   9/06/2016   11.13 AM.
[15] Constitution of the United States Amendments 11-27, Uited States.  Accessed from ,   9/06/2016   11.59 AM
[16] Ibid
[18] Perempuan Arab Saudi akan gunakan hak pilih untuk pertama kalinya.  Accessed from   10/06/2016   12.37 AM
[19] Bernbard Platzdasch, Reaksi Islam Terhadap Presiden Wanita, dalam Chris Manning & Peter van Diermen (ed.), Indonesia in Transition, Social Aspects of Reformasi and Crisis, Institute of Shouteast Asian Studies, Singapore, 2000, terjemahan Landung Simatupang et al., Indonesia di Tengah Transisi, Aspek-Aspek Sosial dan Krisis, LKiS, Yogyakarta, 2000, page 403-418.
[20]  Accessed from , 27/05/2016   14.12

Minggu, 22 Mei 2016

To start all over again..

“For what it’s worth: it’s never too late or, in my case, too early to be whoever you want to be.
There’s no time limit, stop whenever you want. You can change or stay the same, there are no rules to this thing.
We can make the best or the worst of it. I hope you make the best of it.
And I hope you see things that startle you.
I hope you feel things you never felt before.
I hope you meet people with a different point of view.
I hope you live a life you’re proud of.
If you find that you’re not, I hope you have the strength to start all over again.”
(Eric Roth, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button Screenplay, 2008)

Minggu, 01 Mei 2016

semua sudah habis

Tangisku, marahku, kesedihanku, dan dendamku sudah habis di Pulau Buru..
(Kesaksian Tapol G30S)

Jumat, 01 April 2016

kedaerahan vs kebangsaan

Yang bisa mengantarkan Indonesia ke dalam pintu kemerdekaan adalah secara signifikan terjadi setelah adanya persatuan identitas kebangsaan pasca Sumpah Pemuda. Sebelumnya, perjuangan kemerdekaan yang berbasis kedaerahan sangat mudah untuk ditumpas oleh penjajah, karena sangat mudah untuk dipecah-belah dan diadu-domba. Jadi mohon diingat sentimen2 kedaerahan tak akan pernah merealisasikan tujuan kemerdekaan.

Rabu, 30 Maret 2016

Be Missed

A classic love movie said that sometimes love comes from little quarreling..
Because it will be missed

Senin, 28 Maret 2016

Strategi komunikasi dalam medsos

Dalam komunikasi di media sosial, terutama yang dilakukan dengan cara menulis/mengetik huruf per huruf, sangat berbeda dengan kominikasi verbal dan langsung. Dalam komunikasi verbal pengulangan dan konfirmasi dapat dilakukan dengan sangat segera. Tetapi berbeda dengan penggunaan media ketik. Semakin banyak konfirmasi akan menurunkan kredibilitasan dan urgensitas sebuah pernyataan dan maksud.

Bisa diterapkan cara-cara ini:
1. Gunakan kata yg efisien.
2. Pikir dengan sangat cermat.
3. Jangan terburu-buru menekan enter sebelum tulisan sangat baik dan efisien.
4. Lebih baik terlambat daripada konten yang disampaikan tidak bernilai, karena yang paling utama adalah konten, baru timing dll..

Kamis, 25 Februari 2016

Good Ideas 14 (game kombinasi 24)

Daripada di jalan hanya melamun atau bengong, lebih baik mengasah otak melalui media permainan plat nomer kendaraan-kendaraan yang ada di jalan.

Seperti kita tahu, bahwa plat nomer memiliki 3-4 digit angka. Coba buat kombinasi hitung angka-angka tersebut untuk menjadi harus berjumlah 24.

Anda dapat menggunakan +,-,:,x, dan bahkan akar dan pangkat. (Atau bahkan log, jika anda menguasainya, hehe)

Syarat permainanya adalah angka dalam plat nomor itu harus digunakan seluruhnya dan tidak boleh menambah angka lain. Ingat tidak semua plat nomor bisa menghasilkan angka 24 dalam kombinasi hitungnya.

1. Plat 2678 (4 angka)
Kombinasi hitungnya:
8x3 = 24

2. Plat 308 (3 angka)
Kombinasi hitungnya:
8x3 = 24

3. Plat 1997
Kombinasi hitungnya:
Tidak bisa
Ini adalah contoh plat nomer yang memiliki kombinasi hitung yang hampir tidak mungkin untuk mencapai angka 24 (kecuali ada yang bisa, segera beritahu saya, hehe).

Buat permainan semenarik mungkin dengan pasangan, anak, teman, atau orang tua dalam kendaraan anda. Kecepatan berpikir akan menjadikan ini semakin menarik dan mengasah logika pada saat yang bersamaan.

Ingat tetap waspada dan hati-hati dalam berkendara. Utamakan keselamatan berkendara dan patuhi rambu-rambu lalu-lintas.
Selamat bermain, hehe..

n pangkat 0 = 1
0 bagi n = 0